
Most hearings are available by video.  The judge's staff will usually email you instructions on how to join remotely a few days before the hearing.  Remote hearings are done on Bluejeans or Zoom

You can also find your judge's online link for remote hearings by following these steps:

  1. Locate your Judicial Department's information.  Find your judge's name or the department letter your case is assigned to.  Click on the judge's name or department letter. 
    Judicial Depts
  2. Once on the judge's informational page, click on "Department Guideline."  You will see a link to their zoom login at the top.  For instance: 

If you (or your witness) are required to attend a hearing in person but want to request to attend remotely instead, fill out and file the Notice of Remote Appearance form below.  You must serve it to all other parties.  The judge may or may not allow the remote appearance. 

Notice of Remote Appearance (pdf fillable)